Life Update- A Marriage, a Baby, & 2 Dogs! Where have I Been for 7 Years?!

I’ve missed you all SO MUCH! Thank you for supporting me since I first started making videos in 2010! I can’t thank you enough for your continued support and encouragement, and I’m incredibly grateful for each one of you. I hope you all enjoy this life update video.

See my first video back HERE showing a tutorial of my everyday makeup routine.

Here’s a transcript of the video above:

Hey everybody it’s Sara from The Style Blog. I’m back again. I know I promised a life update video so that’s what this video is going to be. I know I’ve been gone a long time. A lot’s happened in my life. I know a lot’s happened in your lives since I’ve talked to you guys last so let me know what’s up in your lives too because I’d love to hear from you & connect with you guys. I feel like the last time I saw you guys I posted a life update video and I was still really grieving my brother’s passing, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, go to the video on my channel. He passed in the 2011 Joplin tornado. So that was very heartbreaking to me obviously and it took me a long time to learn how to function after that. I thought I could come back to YouTube to make videos, but it was just so heartbreaking to me because he’s the one who got me started on YouTube videos and I just couldn’t do it without being completely grief stricken so I obviously have been gone a long time. I feel like I’m ready to be back, and I’ve had so many changes in my life since then.

So last time you guys saw me I was just finishing my Bachelor’s degree. Actually I think I just graduated with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from the University of Arkansas in financial management/investments and retail marketing. That is the biggest mouthful ever! So I graduated a semester early.

I adopted Lydia. I think I showed you guys Lydia last time. She’s my best bud & I love her so much.

So that next spring, Easter of 2012, my now-husband, then-boyfriend, Grant proposed to me. Obviously I said yes. So then we got married later that year, and I will post some wedding pictures. We got married in August of 2012, and then we lived in Joplin for a couple of years.

I worked with the Will Norton Miracle Field then, and that was the best experience because we got to work with Rotary and Keller Williams to build this special needs baseball field in Joplin called the Will Norton Miracle Field, and it was such a blessing to the community & also our family, but that’s obviously not the point of it. It was so, almost, healing in a way to go out there & see Will’s name all over the place & these kids having so much fun. So any kid could participate in the baseball games: blind, deaf, autistic, cerebral palsy, wheelchair-ridden, any special need. We would find a way for them to be able to participate in this baseball game. No one wins, no one loses. They had so much fun. Each game an adult or another child “buddies.” You partner up with a player and kind of go through the game with them & run the bases with them &all sorts of things & help them with stuff they need help on & if they don’t, just be their friend for the day. That was so much fun. I didn’t miss a game when we lived in Joplin. It was the best experience. I had so, so much fun, and I know the kids did too. I was on their board for awhile. I was the treasurer. That was such a blessing in my life, and I have the best memories from that time.

So right after Grant & I got married we adopted another dog Reagan who is our 150-pound Newfoundland. A “gentle giant” is what they call Newfoundlands, and she really is. She’s the sweetest dog ever & she’s huge & I love her so much, and she’s been such a blessing in our lives too. So we love our 2 dogs. We love taking them on trips hiking, and we took a huge Airstream trip down to Florida & then one to Colorado. We took them on these trails & it was so much fun. That was one of the best memories since you guys have seen me. I love that time so much.

So, in 2014, we moved to Kansas City for my husband’s schooling, and while we were there, I kept thinking, “I want to do something different with my life.” I have the best memories, ok not the best memories, but I have amazing memories of these nurses who took care of my family when we were in the hospital after the tornado. My dad was super hurt & had to have multiple surgeries. He had so many broken bones, and these nurses who took care of him and also took care of our family, because we were hurting so badly at that time, just left this lasting impact on me. I knew in my heart that I wanted to be able to give back to people in the way that those nurses gave to us so I decided: Oh my gosh, I’m going to become a nurse! So I attended Mid America Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas. It’s just around Kansas City. It’s a suburb of Kansas City. I got my Bachelor’s degree in nursing, and then I knew that I wanted to do ICU nursing because I wanted to impact the sickest people who needed not just nursing care, but also emotional care the most. I applied to ICU. I started in ICU at a top hospital in Kansas City right after I graduated, and then I worked there until I had my daughter.

So Grant & I said, “Hey, we’ve been married 5 years. We’ve been together like 9 years. So it’s time to have kids.” So we tried & ta-da! I was pregnant. We found out we were having a girl, & we were so excited, and I gave birth to her in July of 2018. Since then I have been a full-time mommy.

So I really missed you guys so much, and I missed this community, so I decided: why have I not made videos? I feel like I’m ready to come back & I feel like my grief almost about my brother Will & his connection with YouTube & me just only being able to see him from YouTube has transformed into a gratitude almost for me. I’m so glad that he introduced me to this community. Now we have our own little Style Blog community. You all are so supportive & loving. I’ve missed you guys so much. Now when I think of YouTube I just think that I made so many cool memories with Will because of YouTube so I want to keep making memories with you guys with YouTube also. So it’s not like a grief thing for me anymore. It’s more like I’m just incredibly grateful. I’m incredibly grateful for the time I got to spend with Will & YouTube & this community, & for each one of you who’s ever watched my videos. I don’t know. I pray for you guys every day. Those people who watch my videos & support me, thank You God for all of them because you guys are amazing & you’ve been a huge part of this healing process for me & I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I want these videos to be a blessing to your life & also a blessing to my life. I hope I’m a positive channel you can go to to just be yourself & to have fun & laugh. I just can’t tell you enough. I know I’ve said this like 100 times, I am so so so grateful for all of you. I encourage you to come connect with me in the comments here or on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter or whatever it is. If you made it through this whole video, thank you, and I will see you guys again soon. I hope to connect with you all, and thank you again, & I’ll see you next time. Bye.

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